Everywhere you go on the University of the Nations campus you hear or see worship! All over campus, throughout the day, there are people worshiping with all of their hearts. Softly, loud or really loud! It’s amazing to see and hear. Some alone, some in small groups, some in groups at large as six hundred. Some in English, some in Korean, some in Samoan and from time to time you may hear Chinese, Japanese, Russian or one of several other people groups pouring out their adoration to the living God in some language you may have not even know existed. It is absolutely one of the most beautiful things you could ever hope to see and hear! In some ways I feel like a kid peeking in a crack in a wall at a construction site, except this crack in the wall of heaven, where there will be worshipers from every tribe and nation and tongue! No one seems to grow tired of hearing this or of joining the worshipers. At times, right in our apartment, we can hear three or four different groups of people worshiping separate from each other yet strangely untied in heart and purpose.