The Blowholes of Homua! By Randy If I only had one word to describe the Blowholes of Homua it would have to be exhilarating! Of course how could anyone describe with just one word this amazing place, hidden on a small bump of an island called TongaTapu, which hardly breaks the surface of the vast South Pacific. If it was well known, the Blowholes of Homua would be one of the wonders of the world. But this secret spot sticking up mere feet above the blue waters of the ocean is the most exhilarating place I have ever visited. When you are there all you want to do is shout! Loudly! Cheering, clapping and whistling are also very common occurrences for all who visit this place. Wet! Wild! Windy! Massive waves crashing onto the upraised coral sends water skyward and shoreward, soaking all who are standing there in awe of the previous display of the tremendous power of God. Swell after swell pound the shoreline of coral rock. Mile after mile of Tongan coast is pummeled with the churning Pacific. 30’-40’-50’ and at times 60’ into the air the waves shoot up before falling back into the ocean or blowing up onto the land and those lucky enough to be viewing this wonderful show. The secret is that as the coral breaks down from the force of the surf, holes and narrow tunnels are formed. The water shoots through these tunnels up into the air, to the delight of all who see it happen. Exhilaration, way better and cheaper than a Starbucks Grande Iced Mocha with four shots of espresso! Exhilarating and thrilling far beyond watching a rocket launch or your long-awaited first trip on an airplane. If you could spend all day at the Blowholes you would be spent just from all the adrenalin that was released in your body, but you would want to return again the next day! The Blowholes of Homua were the favorite spot of our family and our team on this tropical island paradise. Here are a few shots I took there. If you go to the following link you can see some more of my shots and a couple of videos of the action. You can also do a search on You Tube to find some other videos of this wonder of the world that, in one sense, displays His power. http://travel.webshots.com/album/577108786TycShS The boys loved the blowholes so much that they wrote the following poem about them:
THE TONGA BLOW-HOLES A Mighty Adventure on our Last Day-off in Tonga By Evan and Josiah Richards March 8, 2010 A day out with Katoni and Young, our private “chauffeurs” from Lafa Lafa. We went to the wicked, wild, and wet Blowholes of Houma. The waves were as tall as a house, and their spray even higher. The water shot through the coral holes like a whale when it breathes. “KAPOOH! BOOM! CRASH! SMASH!” The angry waves devoured the trembling coral below. Mommy’s rain jacket caught the wind ‘til it puffed out like a Sumo wrestler. And we stood there, Daddy, Mommy, Evan and Jo Jo, Screaming, shouting, dripping and smiling An exhilarating day out to the Tonga Blow-Holes.
Wowee! I am marveling at them even though I've never seen them. How cool that you got to see one of the many wonders of the world - that the Lord made. Thanks for sharing about them. May our eyes be open to see his wonders all around us, and within us!
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